Friday, May 22, 2020
Teen Pregnancy And The United States - 2027 Words
The issue being addressed is teen pregnancy rates in the United States. We can measure this problem by giving statistics on teen pregnancy related information and by describing the magnitude of the problem. Teen pregnancy exists everywhere in the world but the main focus of this policy memo is going to be that of the United States. Define and Analyze the Problem affected individuals. Teen mothers, their babies, the father, parents of the teen mother and father, and everyone in the United States to be exact are affected every year by teen pregnancies. Age, race, ethnicity and sex all come into play when talking about who is being affected by teen pregnancy. Ages fifteen to nineteen are the rage for teen girls being affected by teen pregnancy and both male and females are affected by the outcome of teen pregnancy. According to The PEW Charitable Trusts in 2013, Latina teens have the highest birth rate at 42 births per 1,000 teens and non-Hispanic white teens were 19 births per 1,000 teens (PEW, 2015). According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), â€Å"teen girls who get pregnant are less likely to finish high school, more likely to rely on public assistance, more likely to be poor as adults, and are more likely to have kids who have poorer educational, behavioral, and health outcomes o ver the course of their lives than do kids born to older parents†(HHS, 2016). Teen pregnancy affects everyone in the United States, for example costing taxpayersShow MoreRelatedTeen Pregnancy And The United States1414 Words  | 6 PagesTeen Parenting in the United States Raising a child as an adult can be very demanding at times, but can you imagine how difficult it would be to raise a baby as a teen, when you are still a child yourself? Although the teen birth rate in the United States has been on a decline for the past decade, teen pregnancy is still a significant issue affecting many people (Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing). Teen pregnancy has been considered morally and ethically wrong in the United States for centuries (Sprague)Read MoreTeen Pregnancy in the United States1201 Words  | 5 PagesTeen pregnancy is more prevalent in the United States, than one would think. Even though the number of pregnancies has lowered, there are still an estimated 31pregnancies per 1000 teens. Unfortunately, there are immense consequences from teen pregnancy. These occurrences are due to many circumstances that can be changed, such as, more education, peer pressure, and today’s culture. However, there are ways to prevent all this from happening; usin g contraception, being aware, or even abstaining fromRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : The United States1939 Words  | 8 PagesTEEN PREGNANCY Section One: â€Å"Why?†The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. Family First Aid has stated that â€Å"thirty-four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20  about 820,000 a year. Eight in ten of these teen pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens.†You may ask why so many teens are pregnantRead MoreTeen Pregnancy And Its Effects On The United States1667 Words  | 7 PagesEach year around 90,000 adolescents become pregnant in the United States. Around 51% of adolescents pregnancies end in live births, 35% end up in induced abortions, and 14% result in miscarriage or stillbirth (Frick, 2007). Historically, the highest teen pregnancy rates in the United States were during the 1950’s and 1960’s before the legalization of abortion and the development of many the current forms of contraception(Frick, 2007). Rates enlarged steadily until 1991; since then, the birth rateRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Costs The United States1577 Words  | 7 Pages Section One: â€Å"Why?†The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. Family First Aid has stated that â€Å"thirty-four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20  about 820,000 a year. Eight in ten of these teen pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens.†You may ask why so many teens are pregnant. It may be becauseRead MoreThe Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On The United States2305 Words  | 10 PagesTeen Pregnancy and the Link to Poverty in the U.S. with A Focus on Western Ma Especially Holyoke and Springfield Mass In the 1950s, the frequency of teenage births in the United States was already high, and since that, time has decreased, although the number of births outside marriage has increased. Thus, in 1990 the rate was 61.8 births, pregnancy rate - 116.9 per 1,000. The incidence of teenage pregnancy has decreased significantly in the 1990s. This decline is observed in all racial groups, butRead MoreTeen Pregnancy in the United States Essays3049 Words  | 13 PagesTeen Pregnancy in the United States Introduction Teen pregnancy falls into the category of pregnancies in girls age 19 or younger (NIH). Although statistics have shown a decrease, the number of teen pregnancy in the U.S. is still relatively high compared to the rest of the world. Sexual health is one of the top priorities in early adolescence health in the United States. Consequences of having sex at a young age generally results in unsafe sex practices. The consequences can be due to the lackRead More Teen Pregnancy in the United States Essay2801 Words  | 12 Pagessociety†. (Pregnant Teen Help, Teen Pregnancy Statistics) Some would argue that teen pregnancy is all glorified. Other individuals would protest that it is too influential. Teen pregnancy is a rising social problem in the United States and among other countries. Teen pregnancy is now being publicized as multi media corporations, with shows such as â€Å"16 Pregnant†, â€Å"Teen Mom†, â€Å"Maury†, â€Å"Secret Life of the American Teen ager†, and â€Å"Juno†. All of which concentrate on teen pregnancy. These shows or moviesRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Effects On The United States1922 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Adolescent pregnancy is a widely researched and debated topic in psychology. Teen pregnancy rates in the United States have dropped significantly over the last two decades from 6.2% in 1990 to 2.7% in 2013, a 56% decrease, for women aged 15-19. Despite the sharp decline, concerns about the consequences of adolescent childbearing have not decreased. While evidence suggests that giving birth as a teenager is often associated with economic hardships, numerous researchers argue that theseRead MoreTeen Pregnancy is a Growing Problem in the United States1084 Words  | 4 Pageslocated in a tourist town on the northern Oregon coast, where according to the United States Census Bureau the median income as of 2012 was $24,201 (table 1).I remember in high school there was always a girl I knew who was pregnant, but it was not until recently when I noticed so many of my classmates and friends announcing due dates. According to Medline Plus, adolescent or teen pregnancy can be defined as â€Å"pregnancy in girls age 19 or younger†(para. 1). According to the CDC’s â€Å"Births: Final Data
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Dealing with Harassment and Threats on Social Media - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 626 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Media Essay Did you like this example? Now the Online bullying is getting much serious. Individuals are advising people to murder themselves for posting what they dont care for. For instance, one VIP posted his or her photo and hater remarked that you should execute yourself for posting that. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Dealing with Harassment and Threats on Social Media" essay for you Create order Yet, there are some approaches to stop this. One of the courses is to absolutely disregard the condition. Because the more you seriously you look into the situation theyre more likely to get lot toxic. The second way is that you contact the organization and disclose to them what is new with your record or report the records that are pestering you. Those organizations will make some sort of move against them. On the off chance that that doesnt help then you should attempt to enlighten the legislature regarding the circumstance that you are in, they are well on the way to enable you to get past that. First, have you at any point seen those big names who dependably complain about their hater. That is the major problem because if you pay any kind of attention to them like blocking them tweeting about them or attacking them via social media more and more of them will come to bother you. For instance, numerous VIPs get irritated each and every day except the individuals who remain close-lipped regarding it was the person who might get less feedback from their hater. That is the reason I trust that disregarding them is the most ideal approach to manage the circumstance. It may be impermanent in that time you can contact for help. The second way is that you contact Twitter to make a move. Like erase their record, transitory square them or persuade them to upgrade their system. You cant stop a huge number of people assaulting one individual. For instance, Twitter should focus on individuals who were as of late in the news for terrible allegation so they could brief impair their record. Likewise, as the circumstance quiets down they can enact their record. It will push the client to not get in any kind of sorrow. Now and then it can keep individuals from experiencing unpleasant occasions and submitting suicide. Web-based harassing can be extremely touchy particularly in the event that you are having a troublesome time in your life. Last thing is that if the comments are threatening or aggressive in any ways you can make these two strides further and report the circumstance to the police or court. It may require a long time to stop all the negative remarks in light of the fact that lawful methodology requires some serious energy. Likewise, Twitter needs to get associated with the circumstance for them to make any move. As an organization, Twitter should see every one of the issues and it may require a significant stretch of time to stop the cynicism it is probably going to work. Twitter has their principles and control to kick or square any client for all time. It is illegal to post threatening and harmful comments for example, I will execute you or slaughter yourself. The individual who remarked that may have some genuine affirmation on him. All in all, it is vital for individuals to quit despising one another. It makes an awful attitude and dangerous identity It can likewise result in you demolishing somebodys profession with your cruel words. There are individuals who consider disdainful remarks important in light of the fact that they need to enhance themselves. In any case, on the off chance that they continue getting detest they could suffer great depression or severe mental problems. It is likewise the organizations obligation to offer their clients awesome administration particularly the VIPs since they are the person who makes their item more appealing.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Testing Plan for Video Compression, Decompression and Execution Free Essays
string(1953) " and those information shop in array of bytes Extraction of 3 parts and measure theoretical account and position portion to direct to the client Extract merely view portion there are no any back land sound consequence Fail Case 6 Extracting theoretical account, position and command portion from byte codification of picture file In executor utilizing FuzzyMVC algorithm to pull out theoretical account, position and command portion Extract Model, position and command portion from picture file in byte format Extracted theoretical account, position and accountant Base on balls Case 7 Storing control portion informations as a impermanent file Store Control information from picture in buffer for impermanent Impermanent storage of control portion and take that storage infinite after completion of dealing Storing control portion informations as a impermanent file but did non take after dealing completion Fail Case 8 Storing control portion informations as a impermanent file Shop information from picture in buffer for impermanent Impermanent storage of control portion and take that occupied infinite after completion of client receiving Storing informations of control file as a impermanent information and take that informations utilizing buffer algorithm Base on balls Case 9 Sending extracted theoretical account and position portion to the client Storing control information from picture file and direct theoretical account and position portion to the client Send theoretical account and position portion to the client Sent information continuously to the client Base on balls Case 10 Decompress accepted informations Client need to uncompress informations that got from waiter GZip algorithm is used for compress and decompress, Decompression of informations Decompressed informations and got existent consequence without deformation Base on balls Table – 9\." 11.2 ) Video: Software testing is the of import to accomplish the quality of the package been developed. It is used to look into application faculty or the package that fulfill the demand of the terminal user. We will write a custom essay sample on Testing Plan for Video Compression, Decompression and Execution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Testing is related to two other procedures like confirmation and proof. Confirmation: gives verification specification. Validation: gives verification necessities. 9.1.1 ) Trial Plan: Trial program is doing the planning of the overall package. It will run into all the demand for existent clip processing. Quality confidence should be organize by look intoing each and every functionality. Besides trial program includes following Test category to be tested Operation property to be tested Test event Testing environment Test out of scope Trial agenda 9.2 ) Testing Technique: A Technique has been used are as follows by black box testing and white box testing. It detects the mistake programmed ; keep truth, completeness and scalability of application developed is called testing. 9.2.1 ) BLACK BOX Testing: A proving which concentrates merely on functional demands of application or package is called as a Black-box testing or behavioural testing. Black-box proving efforts to bring out Inaccurate or omitted maps Interface mistakes Mistakes related to informations constructions or external informations base entree Behavior or public presentation mistakes Low-level formatting and expiration mistakes. In this thesis: Black box proving includes acquiring petition from client is proper or non as per client petition waiter acknowledge. Server indexing client requested informations in database. Indexed information is proper or non, directing of byte by byte informations to buffer is maintain the indexing sequence or non. This sort of proving performed in black box testing. 9.2.2 ) WHITE BOX Testing: White box testing is nil but the complementary to black box proving. The internal execution of application can be tested by this testing. Buffer storage compress informations that acquiring from database, It is relevant or non. If there are losing index than the informations content may be alteration. So, will prove informations compressed in buffer is right indexed or non. Executor extract theoretical account, position and control stage, tested is there are any lost informations or non. Controling informations stored in impermanent memory, after completion of send requested informations to client commanding informations is removed or non. Sending clip informations compressed utilizing Huffman algorithm. Retrieved informations is right or non. Client retrieve informations after 2 clip decompress informations. After decompressed existent informations got by client or non. 9.3 ) Testing Scheme: Testing is an effectual conductivity of antecedently planned activities. A scheme for package proving must supply adjustment for low-level trials that are necessary to verify that a little unit of application has been right implemented every bit good as high-ranking trials that validate major system maps against client demands. Testing schemes can be classified as follows. 9.3.1 ) Unit of measurement: Unit of measurement proving considers package constituent or faculty as a smallest testable piece of package. It takes the constituent or faculty of testable package in the application, separate it from the balance of the codification. Then it verifies whether it works as you expect. This type of proving can be done on multiple faculties in analogue. It is white box oriented, as it is used to verify the control flow and informations flow. 9.3.2 ) Integration Testing: It is a logical extension of faculty or constituent testing. It chiefly focuses on happening defects which chiefly arise because of uniting assorted constituents for proving. Integration proving purposes at constructing a plan construction by taking integrity tested faculties. It conducts trial to uncover mistakes associated with interfacing. Once we have finished with unit proving, following undertaking is to execute incorporate proving. Unit tested faculties are taken and assemble together and execute incorporate proving. In this proving one or more faculties are tested at a clip w.r.t their functionality. 9.3.3 ) SYSTEM Testing: It verifies the full merchandise, after uniting all package and hardware constituents and validates it harmonizing to original undertaking demands. The chief purpose of system proving is to accomplish a successful execution of the computing machine based system utilizing sequence of trials. In the peculiar each trial may hold different intents but purpose behind all is verify the combination and working of system elements. 9.4 ) Trial Case: Some conditions or variables which followed by examiner to measure the effectivity of any application or system called as Test instances. It may be a individual measure, or multiple stairss, to guarantee the rightness of an application. A predictable consequence or result is can be shown as follows. Table 9.4 show the trial instance for the proposed system, as table follow by the trial instance name, measure require to acquire expected consequence, expected consequence from the proposed system, an existent how system response and in conclusion comment for trial instance to be base on balls or fail. Test Case No. Test Case Name Stairss Expected Consequence Actual Consequence Remark Case 1 Client Request Store informations in server client can bespeak merely for those informations. Request accept by waiter and acknowledge Request accepted by waiter and acknowledge to client. Base on balls Case 2 Server informations indexing Server shop informations in database as per client petition database indexing those informations. Indexing as per the existent sequence of picture file Indexed picture file to direct informations to buffer as per existent sequence of picture file Base on balls Case 3 Buffer acquire informations from database as per indexed Database send informations to the buffer in bytes Data infusion in byte format for buffer procedure Data extracted in byte format and send to buffer Base on balls Case 4 Compress informations in buffer Buffer compacting informations that got from database Compress Data as per acquiring byte from database Compressed Datas that got from database in bytes Base on balls Case 5 Extracting theoretical account, position and command portion from tight picture file in bytes Executor extract theoretical account, position and accountant information and those information shop in array of bytes Extraction of 3 parts and measure theoretical account and position portion to direct to the client Extract merely view portion there are no any back land sound consequence Fail Case 6 Extracting theoretical account, position and command portion from byte codification of picture file In executor utilizing FuzzyMVC algorithm to pull out theoretical account, position and command portion Extract Model, position and command portion from picture file in byte format Extracted theoretical account, position and accountant Base on balls Case 7 Storing control portion informations as a impermanent file Store Control information from picture in buffer for impermanent Impermanent storage of control portion and take that storage infinite after completion of dealing Storing control portion informations as a impermanent file but did non take after dealing completion Fail Case 8 Storing control portion informations as a impermanent file Shop information from picture in buffer for impermanent Impermanent storage of control portion and take that occupied infinite after completion of client receiving Storing informations of control file as a impermanent information and take that informations utilizing buffer algorithm Base on balls Case 9 Sending extracted theoretical account and position portion to the client Storing control information from picture file and direct theoretical account and position portion to the client Send theoretical account and position portion to the client Sent information continuously to the client Base on balls Case 10 Decompress accepted informations Client need to uncompress informations that got from waiter GZip algorithm is used for compress and decompress, Decompression of informations Decompressed informations and got existent consequence without deformation Base on balls Table – 9.4: Trial instances 10.1 ) RESULT Analysis: For ciphering the public presentation of proposed system and besides doing comparative analysis with the consequence been generated from the experimental rating. Compaction Comparison: img alt="" src="" Figure – 10.1 ( a ) : Compaction Comparison RMI Compress Time Simple compress Time Array size 0.08 0.082 22 0.082 0.089 45 0.094 0.1 60 0.1 0.11 70 0.110 0.12 75 Decompression Comparison: img alt="" src=""/ Figure – 10.1 ( B ) Decompression Comparison GZIP Decompress Time Simple Decompress Time Array Size 0.022 0.022 22 0.023 0.0232 45 0.028 0.03 60 0.052 0.054 70 0.056 0.0585 75 Transmission of informations utilizing J2ME RMI ( Between 2 machines ) img alt="" src=""/ Figure – 10.1 ( degree Celsius ) : Transmission of Data utilizing J2ME RMI J2ME RMI ( Between 2 machine ) Simple transmissionthrough IP reference Array Size 0.63 0.66 22 0.656 0.695 45 0.742 0.776 60 0.793 0.811 70 0.8214 0.841 75 Transmission of informations utilizing J2ME RMI ( Using 1 machines ) : img alt="" src=""/ Figure – 10.1 ( vitamin D ) : Data transmittal in individual machine J2ME RMI ( one machine ) Simple transmittal through socket Array Size 0.642 0.644 22 0.785 0.789 40 0.831 0.862 60 0.885 0.89 70 0.918 0.934 75 Comparison of Proposed System with Current System. img alt="" src=""/ Figure – 10.1 ( vitamin E ) : Proposed system and Youtube comparing Proposed System Time Taking YouTube Time Taking Array Size 1.0021 1.032 22 1.031 1.082 40 1.423 1.48 60 1.602 1.637 80 1.8 1.84 100 1.86 1.89 120 1.92 1.96 140 2.003 2.15 160 2.423 2.501 200 2.654 2.756 220 11.1 ) Main: img alt="H: SCRNSVRSCR1.png" src=""/ Figure-11.1: Main GUI 11.2 ) Video: img alt="H: SCRNSVRSCR2.png" src=""/ Figure- 11.2: Video choice 11.3 ) VIDEO PLAYER ( Small size picture ) : img alt="H: SCRNSVRSCR3.png" src=""/ Figure – 11.3 ( a ) : Small size picture participant img alt="H: SCRNSVRSCR4.png" src=""/ Figure – 11.3 ( B ) : HD picture participant 11.4 ) AUDIO Choice: img alt="H: SCRNSVRSCR5.png" src=""/ Figure – 11.4 ( a ) : Audio choice img alt="H: SCRNSVRSCR6.png" src=""/ Figure – 11.4 ( B ) : Audio Player Decision: This research proposed an offloading picture compaction, decompression and executing of picture at server side. Compaction utilizing Gzip method is more effectual than any other compression techniques. Gzip usage Quad tree method every bit good as Huffman algorithm to compact the information utilizing this sort of compaction of informations we can state that information is more confidential while directing from waiter to client. Proposed system usage buffer storage. It will bring informations from database in bytes, compress informations and send to the executor for farther procedure. Buffer storage usage Data buffer algorithm to hive away informations and direct informations as per demand to executor. Executor extract theoretical account, position and command portion from picture file and direct theoretical account and position portion to the requested client and shop control portion as a impermanent information. This proposed system is more confidential than any other unrecorded cyclosis of picture or any other picture downloader. Proposed system is taking less clip than any other system for unrecorded cyclosis or download. When we are directing theoretical account, position and command portion together to any client at that clip command portion taking more clip to put to death. But, with this proposed system we are covering merely with theoretical account and position portion. System Extract command portion and usage Huffman algorithm at directing clip, it will take less clip than control information send over web. Mentions: RESEARCH / JOURNAL PAPER 1. [ IEEE CS, 2004 ] Adaptive Offloading for Pervasive Computing, Published by the IEEE CS and IEEE ComSoc,1536-1268/04/ $ 20.00  © 2004 IEEE 2. [ CHUEN, 1990 ] Fuzzy logic in control system: Fuzzy logic accountant – Part I, CHUEN CHIEN, pupil member, IEEE, IEEE dealing on system, MAN and cybernetics, vol.20, NO-2, March / April. 1990 3. 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Web sites: 1. hypertext transfer protocol: // 2. hypertext transfer protocol: // 3. hypertext transfer protocol: // 4. hypertext transfer protocol: // 5. hypertext transfer protocol: // 6. hypertext transfer protocol: // id=66 7. hypertext transfer protocol: // Books: 1. BALAGURUSAMY, â€Å"Programming with JAVA a primer†, 4th edition ( Mc Graw Hill ) 2. DREAMTECH, M.T.SAVALIYA, â€Å"Advance Java Tecnology†3. Mark Nelson and Jean-loup Gailly, M A ; T Books, New York, United States of America, 2nd edition, â€Å"The Data Compression Book†4. Ross Williams, Kluwer Books, Norwell, United States of America, â€Å"Adaptive Data Compression†List OF PUBLICATIONS: SR. No. Title of Paper Name of Writers Name of the Journal / Publication / Conference Volume / Issue /Date Impact Factor 1. Performance Impact Analysis of Application Implemented on Active Storage Framework Raj Makwana, NaveenKumar J. , Prof. D.M.Thakore, Prof. S.D.Joshi International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering ( IJARCSSE ) Volume 5, Issue 2, 28ThursdayFebruary 2015 ISSN: 2277 128X pp. 550-554, 2.5 2. Offloading compaction and decompression logic closer to video files utilizing Remote Procedure Call Raj Makwana, NaveenKumar J. , Prof. D.M.Thakore, Prof. S.D.Joshi International Journal of computing machine Engineering and Technology ( IJCET ) Volume 6, Issue 3, 30ThursdayMarch 2015, pp. 37-45 ISSN 0976 – 6367 ( Print ) ISSN 0976 – 6375 ( Online ) 8.9 Maestro Of Technology Dissertation, 2014-2015Page 1 How to cite Testing Plan for Video Compression, Decompression and Execution, Essay examples
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